art is / Madrid-Complutense
art is / Madrid-Complutense 2006
art is: Madrid/Complutense (52 min.) presents twenty-five artists–twenty-three studying as graduate students, one administrator, and one translator–at Complutense University of Madrid (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), where Gary Hill and I gave a workshop in 2006. I filmed all the artists in the course (including two auditors, the administrator, and the translator, also artists), each saying what art is in Spanish and in English (to the extent that they were able). This is one of many extensions of the art is project of which other volumes are posted here. [Video editing with Jenny Fox]
In order of appearance: Fernando Baños, Miguel Ranilla, Lara García, Daniel Silvo, Esther Achaerandio, Patricia Sandonís, José L García, Miriam Rodríguez Lira, Irene Alvarez Sobresiela, María León Barquero, Esther Aldaz Brunetto, Ana Santibáñez Mtz. de Antoñama, Carlos Gil Carrasco, Sara Velázquez García, Ignacio Chávarri, Barbara Guillen Feltrer, Zuleyka Sánchez Bonilla, Guillermo Mora Pérez, Maggie Shirley, Penélope Thomaidi, Nazaret Vega Tasso, Stella Sestelo, Rosa María Sánchez Ossorio, Emma Ferguson, Blanca Fernandez.